B.4 Vehicle and Equipment Operations

1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this regulation is to define the expectations and requirements for all Builders, their sub-contractors, suppliers, and construction personnel who are operating vehicles and equipment within Big Canoe.
2. Vehicle Registration
2.1. All vehicles operated within Big Canoe must display a valid state license tag.
3. Traffic Rules
3.1. All vehicles and equipment on Big Canoe roads must travel no faster than conditions safely permit, and no faster than the posted speed limit. Radar guns are used to enforce this rule.

3.2. Vehicles and equipment must remain on the right side of the road at all times, whether or not a painted center line exists.

3.3. On one-way roads, vehicles and equipment are strictly prohibited from traveling in the direction opposite to that designated.

3.4. Passing of another moving vehicle or equipment is strictly prohibited.

3.5. Vehicles and equipment must come to a complete stop at all Stop signs.

3.6. In the absence of any “Stop” sign, vehicles and equipment entering a through street from a side street must yield to traffic on the through street. 

3.7. Vehicles and equipment entering any intersection other than those covered by 3.5 and 3.6 above must proceed slowly and yield to traffic entering the intersection from their right.

3.8. Vehicles and equipment must not be driven recklessly so as to endanger the life or property of others.

3.9. Vehicular traffic must yield the right-of-way to pedestrian traffic at all times.

3.10. All traffic and vehicle control signs posted under the authority of the Property Owners Association (POA) must be obeyed.

3.11. Vehicles and equipment, which are heavily loaded or which for other reasons are restricted to exceptionally slow speeds should pull over at frequent intervals to allow any following traffic to pass safely.

3.12. Single body vehicles and equipment with a maximum width of more than eight (8) feet (including load), and/or a maximum length of more than thirty-six (36) feet (including load), shall not be permitted to enter Big Canoe unless escorted by another vehicle equipped with flashing yellow lights. The contractor or sub-contractor who is responsible for the vehicle is also responsible for escort arrangements during all travel within Big Canoe.

3.13. Truck-utility trailer combinations may exceed thirty-six (36) feet in maximum length (including load) as long as neither unit exceeds thirty-six (36) feet individually. If either unit exceeds eight (8) feet in maximum width, the above escort arrangement provision applies.
4. Vehicle Condition
4.1. All vehicles operating within Big Canoe shall be in good repair with all major systems functioning properly. Brakes and drive train shall be capable of traversing the terrain with no risk to the operator or to other traffic or property. Exhaust systems deemed excessively loud per A.15 Noise Control are prohibited.

4.2. All vehicles shall have properly working lights including taillights, stoplights, and front and back turn indicators.

4.3. All trailers shall have properly working lights including taillights, stoplights, and turn indicators.

4.4. Vehicles not meeting these conditions will not be permitted to enter Big Canoe, and, if already on property, will be escorted off property and banned from re-entering until the unsafe conditions have been repaired.
5. Operator Requirements
5.1. Operators must hold a valid operator’s license appropriate for their type of vehicle or equipment and must be able to produce this license when requested to do so by Big Canoe Public Safety.

5.2. Operators without a valid license will be denied entry.
6. Further Restrictions
6.1. No construction vehicle may be washed on any Big Canoe roadway. If washing of concrete delivery trucks is necessary, it must be done totally on the job site. 

6.2. Accidental spills of any damaging or unsightly materials on or along roadways must be reported immediately to Public Safety and must be promptly and adequately removed.

6.3. All concrete delivery trucks, both rear and front discharge models, must be equipped with automatic chute closure devices in order to gain access into Big Canoe. These closures must correspond to Shute ShutterTM or equivalent specifications. 

6.4. No objects (including trash of any form) should be thrown out of any vehicle, and no light trash should be placed in open vehicles where it can blow out. 

6.5. Tarps, netting, or other means should be used where there is any question regarding the containment of any load during transport.

6.6. All vehicles entering or exiting Big Canoe shall have all trash/debris/materials secured or covered to prevent littering along the roads.
7. Speeding Fines
7.1. All Vehicles
7.1.a. First offense 1 to 10 MPH over limit $25.00; second and future offenses $50.00

7.1.b. First offense 11 to 15 MPH over limit $50.00; second and future offenses $100.00

7.1.c. First offense 16 to 20 MPH over limit $75.00; second and future offenses $150.00

7.1.d. First offense 21+ MPH over limit $100.00; second and future offenses $200.00
7.2. Reckless driving is defined as driving any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property. Penalties for reckless driving can result in a fine of $100 for cars or light vehicles, $200 for mid-sized trucks and $300 for large trucks. Reckless driving citations may be issued at the sole and absolute discretion of Public Safety and the Association if a driver has been involved in or caused an accident, or is witnessed, by Public Safety, crossing the center line whether a painted center line exists or not. Posted speed limits are set for ideal conditions. Big Canoe Public Safety may issue citations for “driving too fast for conditions” at any speed given prevailing conditions which include but not limited to:
7.2.a. weather

7.2.b. condition of road

7.2.c. time of day

7.2.d. condition of operator

7.2.e. operator distractions

7.2.f. presence of other vehicles or pedestrians

7.2.g. Fines for “driving too fast for conditions” will follow the fine structure
7.3. Reckless driving shall count as an offense in the escalating fine structure described in 7.1 above.

7.4. A period of twelve consecutive months without a traffic violation of any type will result in the oldest violation on record for that operator being dropped. A second period of twelve consecutive months without a new traffic violation will be required for elimination of the next oldest violation on record. If a fine was involved in the earlier violation, the twelve months will count from the date the fine was paid.

7.5. All fines become the responsibility of the vehicle owner. If a fine remains unpaid thirty (30) days after the vehicle owner has been notified (by mailing to the address shown on the vehicle registration) of a fine assessed for a traffic violation, the operator will lose all rights to operate a vehicle within Big Canoe until the fine is paid, and the vehicle owner will lose all rights to have any vehicle operated within Big Canoe until the fine is paid. If a fine remains unpaid ninety days (90) after the vehicle owner has been notified, the above loss of privileges may become permanent.
8. Sanctions Applying to Section 6 Violations
8.1. Spillage and/or littering incidents on Big Canoe roads and rights-of-way that are not corrected immediately by the vehicle operator will subject the vehicle owner to a fine of $100 per incident plus costs of clean-up efforts, if any. If a fine and any clean-up charge remain unpaid thirty (30) days after the vehicle owner has been notified (by mailing to the address shown on the vehicle registration) the owner will lose all rights to have any vehicle operated within Big Canoe until proper payment is made. If a fine and any clean-up charge remain unpaid ninety (90) days after the vehicle owner has been notified, the above loss of privileges may become permanent.

8.2. Violations of these provisions will subject both the vehicle and the vehicle owner to loss of entry privileges into Big Canoe.
9. Appeals Process
9.1. All fines and any loss of privileges may be appealed to the General Manager or designee within thirty (30) days of the notice of such fine or loss of privileges.
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