Dog Park Committee


The Big Canoe Dog Park Committee is an advisory resource to the General Manager. The committee is tasked with understanding the legal requirements of dog parks per state and local laws, researching the components and features of successful dog parks in the metro Atlanta area, communicating dog park information to residents, and providing recommendations for further enhancements and routine maintenance to the General Manager. We meet the 1st Tuesday of each month with Lydell Mack to review ongoing projects and discuss scheduled maintenance updates. 


Property Owners in Big Canoe in good standing can volunteer for membership.

Sherry EvansCommittee Chair
RobCommittee Vice Chair
Tracey FrenchSecretary
Steve ShannonMaintenance Liaison
Tom AttawayBCAR Liaison


Committee members report to the Chairperson who in turn reports to the General Manager. The committee is advisory, and has no authority to incur any expenses on behalf of the Association or to obligate the Association in any way. General members report concerns to the team leaders and officers. Team leaders report to a designated officer and officers report to the committee chairperson.

The committee officers are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each officer shall serve one 3-year term. The term for the initial slate of officers runs from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023. No later than day one of year 3, officers elect shall be appointed to serve alongside the current slate in their final year of service. The officers elect will then replace the current slate as their term expires. Officers elect (Chairperson Elect, Vice-Chairperson Elect, Secretary Elect, and Treasurer Elect) shall be appointed no later than January 1, 2023 to serve alongside the current officers. Officers elect will begin serving in full capacity on January 1, 2024 and will serve until December 31, 2026. Any officer or officer elect who fails to follow through with his/her designated responsibilities shall be removed from office.

The Big Canoe Dog Park Committee is responsible for keeping the General Manager updated on Dog Park issues. Committee members are responsible for routine inspection of all dog parks and for reporting maintenance and safety issues to the committee.

The general Dog Park Committee shall meet quarterly. All officers and team leaders must be in attendance at these quarterly meetings. Officers shall meet as necessary to discuss issues and prepare for meetings with the general committee and/or meetings with team leaders and the General Manager. Meeting minutes will be published on the POA website following all scheduled meetings. Any Officer, Officer Elect, Team Leader, or Team Leader Elect who is excessively absent from meetings will be removed from office.

The Big Canoe Dog Park Committee will establish 5 subcommittees for the purposes of creating events for all dog parks, reporting and resolving (when appropriate) maintenance issues at all dog parks, communicating news and information regarding dog parks to the Big Canoe community and reaching out to property owners with dogs. Titles for these subcommittees are as follows: Communication and Product Development, Hospitality, Fund Raising Events, and Maintenance. Each subcommittee will have a designated Team Leader who will coordinate with the Big Canoe Dog Park Committee Officers. Team leaders will serve 3-year terms with Team Leader Elects onboarding on the same schedule as officers (outlined above). Any Team Leader or Team Leader Elect who fails to follow through with his/her responsibilities shall be removed from their position.

This Charter is adopted effective March 9, 2020. The committee chair will meet with the General Manager once a year and review this charter and work planned and accomplished by the committee.


Sherry Evans


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